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We Do Enterprise Capture.
Save money by reducing physical storage costs.
Do you want to eliminate time loss and costs associated with storing and locating your paper files? In today’s rapidly evolving business environment manual archives are very inefficient and unsecured. Turn your paper piles into searchable PDF with ScanBox's enterprise document capture (digitisation) and indexing services, either onsite or at our secured facility. ScanBox supports the complete digitisation of your document either as a single scanning project or outsourced for on-going document conversion needs. We scan just about anything from post-its to blueprints. Go paperless!

We Do Enterprise Content Management.
Save time! Instantly retrieve your content.
How about improving customer experience by providing more efficient service? Let ScanBox help you with the customisation of an ECM platform to manage your documents. We will take your business to the next step. Our industry renown tools include OnBase, Brainware, AnyDoc, SharePoint Online, Azure and more to help clients manage their unstructured content and ancillary and legacy data. Our ECM solutions reduces time spent searching for documents and provide secured remote access to your users on any device.
We Do Business Process Management.
Grow Your Business.
How about streaming your ECM solution to your business processes? Streamlined processes, positively impact your bottom line. Consider the following possibilities:
Allowing customers and constituents to complete forms and make requests online.
Accessing real-time visibility into the status of requests, transactions and order
Automating predictable decisions and providing useful tools to manage all surrounding tasks, activities and case.
ScanBox helps business like your to achieve these and so much more..

Your Company's Data is Valuable,
Losing it could cost you millions.
Where is Your Data?
"The only wrong move when it comes to
Digital Transformation
is not to make any move at all.”
Diedier Bonnet.